Real World Dog Training 

Our Austin dog training is about helping dogs find behavioral balance in their life, and their owners learning how to lead their dogs to success. At Longhorn Dog Training Austin, we offer and believe in in-home dog training, but we also believe in real-world dog training. What does this mean exactly?

Longhorn Dog Training Austin trains dogs for the real world. With our clients, we begin training in the home because this allows us to set up a successful training environment for the dog. Rather than overload them with distractions in a crowded classroom or in an unfamiliar kennel-like atmosphere, we start where the dog is most comfortable and where the owner has the most control. The dog can better acclimate to the new expectations we set for them in the training protocol, and the owner is able to work with the dog without being overwhelmed themselves.

However, the dog cannot be trained ONLY in the home forever. The dog is going to have to face and experience the real world outside of the home at some point. Once we cover the in-home dog training and find success there, then we start reintroducing the triggers that set off the bad behavior in the first place; if there are none, then we work on making sure the dog can still be reliable, even among distractions, such as other dogs or people walking around, cars driving by, etc. If we totally isolate a dog from distractions, they will never learn to follow through when they get distracted or excited…which is normally the time we need their attention the most!

A group class environment might be a good place to train your dog, but we make sure your dog is prepared for that environment by doing in-home training first. This helps the dog adjust, along with the owner, to all the new changes the training inevitably brings. We offer group classes and also will have our in-home clients meet us at public parks or at their vet’s office to conduct distraction training sessions. We want to make sure the dog is behaved in the home, but also anywhere else!

If your dog needs BOTH in-home training and real-life training, we can help! Call us at 800-649-7297 to set up an initial in-home consultation and we’ll map out a training plan in accordance with your training needs and goals!